Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Home Stretch- Part I: Milwaukee, Sioux Falls, Colorado Springs, Greeley

 Back in the United States!  Ah, we're so relieved.  Now begins the four-week stretch that finishes off the tour.

There were plenty of two things in Milwaukee:  Beer and sports.  One look outside the hotel made this completely evident.  Since our second and final show in London, Ontario was cancelled, we arrived a day early in Milwaukee and gained a Golden Day.  Many people toured a brewery or went to a sporting event.  The theater in which we performed was on the next block from the arena where the Milwaukee Bucks play.  It became disheartening to see so many people outside our theater, then walk right past it and go to the Bucks game.

Milwaukee Theatre, Milwakee, Wisconsin

For my Golden Day, I saw “In The Next Room, Or The Vibrator Play” at the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre.  I’m usually not a huge fan of plays, but this one was highly exceptional.  It had a little bit of everything- comedy, drama, romance- which is what I believe makes any play/musical/movie/etc. worth seeing.  The performances and the set were stellar, and the play was written extremely well.

I also got to see and catch up with my friend Marty McNamee, with whom I performed “Plaid Tidings” at Circa ’21 Dinner Theatre.  He showed me around Milwaukee and graced me with his infinite knowledge of history, architecture, and other random factoids regarding Milwaukee.

We were only in Sioux Falls for a few days, but the audiences were quite memorable.  I don’t think I’ve seen so many kids in any previous city.  If you’re an actor reading this, then you know what an awesome audience does for your performance.  Let’s just say it’s like a Red Bull.

 Washington Pavilion of the Arts, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

                Colorado Springs was beautiful.  The weather was decent, and there’s an excellent view of Pike’s Peak from basically wherever you are.  We performed on the base of the Air Force Academy.  For the most part, our audiences seemed kind of sedated.  I’m not sure why that is, but it was quite a reversal from Sioux Falls.

 Arnold Hall- USAF Acadamy, Colorado Springs, Colorado

In the months prior to arriving in Colorado Springs, I'd maintained a correspondence with Kevin Graves, an alumnus of the University of Northern Iowa, and more importantly, the UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club.  On our second day there, Kevin picked me up and took me to check out Garden of the Gods and Helen Hunt Falls.  Garden of the Gods is an expansive terrain with arbitrary rock formations strewn about.  And Helen Hunt Falls, named after an early settler and not the actress from “Mad About You”, was a pretty little waterfall with a small hiking trail above it.  We did a little hiking, took some pictures, and got some fresh mountain air.  After lunch at P.F. Chang’s (my first time!), Kevin came to our afternoon show on the base.  I’d like to sum up that the friends made in the UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club can be relied upon for many years.  I was never in the group at the same time as Kevin, as he graduated before me; he went to Europe both times I went.  However, he still made the effort to connect and be hospitable to a fellow member.  I’m very proud to have been a part of that group.

                There’s not really anything I can say about Greeley.  We did only one matinee there.  Most of us just wanted to get it out of the way and have the night and the following day off.  We’re all eager to get to Texas and warm weather.

Union Colony Civic Center, Greeley, Colorado

    Oh, and I also expanded my Green Lantern Corps.  Tripled the size, actually.  They're doing a great job of helping me through the last few weeks of tour.


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