On Tuesday, we traveled to Wabash, Indiana for a one-nighter. I was surprised to learn that Wabash was the first city in the world to be electrically-lit. Or in the country. I don't know- I can't remember. Despite this fact, the parking lot to our hotel didn't seem lit at all. We stayed overnight at the Knights Inn, which, at first sight, looks like the set of a horror movie. All of the fixtures in the room looked as if they'd been there since the 80's. I'm sooo glad we were only there for a night. The theater, on the other hand, was very nice. It was located in the quaint downtown area.
Honeywell Center, Wabash, Indiana
The next day, we headed for Morgantown, West Virginia. We played the theater on campus at West Virginia University- our second campus visit on tour (the first being Indiana University in November). The greatest thing about many college towns is that there are plenty of things available within walking distance. The most exciting this about this visit, however, was our first big snowfall. Winter finally seems to be catching up with us.
Creative Arts Center, WVU, Morgantown, West Virginia
On Friday, we left WV for Scranton, Pennsylvania. For those of you that don't watch The Office on NBC, Scranton is the setting for the show. The show is actually filmed in California, but they make references to a lot of real-life places in Scranton, such as Lackawana Steel and Poor Richard's Bar. I didn't actually go to these places, but it was fun to think about, being a big fan of the show. The town itself was full of historical buildings, including the theater.
Cultural Center, Scranton. Pennsylvania
Backstage cables! Aaahhh!
I actually don't mind all of the traveling. One of my Christmas gifts to myself was a Nook Tablet and I've slowly been falling in love with it. The traveling just allows us time to get closer. I plan on reading a ton during this leg of the tour. Watch out- I'm gonna come back so much more smarter.
This week: Schenectady, New York.